Price Increase Notice


In terms of the Agrément South Africa Act, Section 5 (3)(e) states that Agrément South Africa may determine, charge and collect fees for any services rendered, products and documents produced.

For the last few years, Agrément South Africa (ASA) has not reviewed and affected price increases due to unfavourable economic conditions, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the upcoming financial year, the price increase has been considered and limited to an increase of 7% and /or on a cost recovery basis.

As a result of this, ASA confirms that there will be an increase in the prices charged for the services rendered.

The increased prices will become effective from 01 April 2024 and be reviewed annually.

Refer to the published Price List for the new rates.

Should you need further clarity on this increase, please do not hesitate to contact the CFO by e-mail:

Price Increase Documents

Price Increase Notice

Price List